Sunday, March 18, 2007

Striking at the heart of the matter

So, the unions have an overwhelming response from their members to go ahead with strikes. The consequences of which will reverberate throughout our country.

But it is important to understand the sentiments from both camps. Union members, understandably, are fed up of feeling their wallets contracting diarrhoea every time there is political instability. And in this instance not even polemic statements about inefficient civil servants will wash. Every individual has the right to a livelihood no matter what their calling.

On the other hand, should strike action occur the nation could ground to a halt. Will it be fair on the rest of the populace and more importantly beneficial to our eroding economy?

These are times for hard decisions. Yes it is crucial that this junta (and any others in the making) realizes that any future coups will not get the support of the country’s biggest labour work-force. It is also heart-wrenching for union members, who have been unnecessarily burdened with guilt-trip reflections like “think about the country”. It is these exact sentiments that should have been echoing in the brains of the junta before they took over.

And yet despite the doom and gloom surrounding our country right now, the looming strike has shed a ray of light. That even though our democracy is under attack, when it comes to the crunch we will bandy together to stand up against being treated like door-mats leaving all political, religious, cultural and emotional leanings aside.

Ahhhhhh the beauty of numbers. Let’s hope that this ray of light will metamorphasize into a rainbow and that we will see more numbers action real soon with an election.